V0.6 It's all coming together...

Hello again friends!

A lot of progress has been made since we last checked in with you! As of right now, we would measure about 60% of the game complete! Details about what we've completed are below.

We decided to take the approach of unpackaging and organizing all our legos into neat sectioned piles before we started putting them all together. Many models are sculpted and animated, then passed to our programmers to be set and outfitted with their own coded scripts. We approached our level design similarly as well! Modeled each "piece" of terrain and then passed it along to our level editor to piece it all together. The approach has worked will with such a large team as each member gets their own slice that only they need to touch until passing it off to a control point where it is elaborated on by the next specialist in the field.

Talking about control points, however, we learned an important lesson in "bottle-necking". The collaborative system we've set is great for workflow as long as we maintain communication and consistency, but not all tasks are created equal. Some need more attention than others and one of our pitfalls was not having a more concise priority of assets to generate. While I do not want to "doom-say" just yet, we have led ourselves to begin worrying if integral assets to our project have enough time to be realized before our soft deadline! Upon reflection however, this issue may be more unique to larger teams than smaller since there are so many hands on deck to keep track of.

All that said though, we think we may have re-aligned our workflow to continue our original road-map. Time will tell!

Dev Notes:

  • Cycle of seasons will have unique features to each level as well as play a theme in our final boss.
  • Shop UI and power-ups currently being scripted.
  • Enemy models and animations nearing completion.
  • Summer and Winter BGM compositions completed.
  • Event scripts for level completion are finished.
  • Scripts for the player controller, attacks, and animations thereof completed.
  • Enemy melee AI scripts completed.

Get Samsara: Sword of Seasonal Sorrow

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