V0.7 10-4 Good Buddy

Big news friends!

We have finished a majority of the foundational work for our game in no small part to everyone on the team. As always, a list of milestones are below in Dev Notes! Today is going to be more about our communication pros and woes.

Our communication between the team leads and subsequent team members is immaculate. It is only working because each member is not afraid to talk to each other despite most of us only having (virtually) met nearly a week ago!  We have avoided many possible workflow bottlenecks due to it. Having a command structure of a project coordinator disseminating down to team leaders to their members and from members back up has also helped facilitate clear and decisive decisions without the "stun-lock" that could occur in large teams without more than one decision-maker.  Discord has been a powerful tool in facilitating all these moving parts, too. Each team has their role assigned for mass team pings along with their own discord chats and a Discord bot has been included to help facilitate team meetings between all the different time zones our members live in!

Let's talk about lessons learned too. Unfortunately, we did hit a small bottleneck in the actual design of our levels. The creation of the stage a majority of the game was to be played on has taken nearly twice as long to complete as initially thought of and because of that, we did have to throw away what otherwise could have been some great mechanical additions to our game in order to prioritize it's completion. Much of our SFX, music compositions, and scripts depend heavily on a level and it's fleshed out assets and the bottleneck from the lack of our asset prioritization has led to nearly a standstill in our Audio and Programming teams. A more formal asset list has since been generated and the momentum for the project has been saved after a meeting with all our team leads and we are excited to show you some of the wonders we are pivoting to!

Dev Notes:

  • Shop UI and artwork completed.
  • Enemy models and AI scripting completed.
  • Spring and Fall/Autumn BGM compositions in progress
  • Title Music completed.
  • Title screen UI and artwork completed.
  • Enemy spawner and health/attack modifier scripts completed.
  • Much of our planned animations and VFX have been completed.
  • Beta level design completed - final design in progress.

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